We always recommend registering with your local authority who has a duty to help you under the Homeless Reduction Act 2018. Councils now have a duty to prevent and relieve homelessness and your local authority might be able to help you. Alternatively you can visit a charity like Barnabus for an assessment to find out what options are open to you. You can ring the Manchester City Council's team on 0161 234 4992.

If you are trying to help someone who is street homeless, we recommend downloading the Street Support App to find them somewhere to go. Taking time for a chat and perhaps offering a coffee or a bottle of water is appreciated. We don't advice that people give out food to people whilst they are on the streets, there are plenty of places for people to go to for food like Barnabus. We regard giving out food on the street as helping people to stay there there’s no reason to visit a charity like Barnabus which will give them food and also work to find you somewhere to stay.