Offering your staff the opportunity to support Barnabus shows your commitment to the local community. This can have a positive impact not just on your staff and their morale, but also on customers and how they see your company’s values. You can help through fundraising, donating practical pre-loved or new items, or even via payroll giving. We also accept donations of any surplus products or goods you may have. You could also get your employees involved by asking them to bring in items from home.

Perhaps you’d like a team of employees to come and help at one of our projects or events. Or, maybe you have talents, products or services that would help us out - corporate support isn't just about money.

It’s important that your employees can connect with us on a level that works for them. We celebrate that everyone has something different to offer, and we want our supporters to feel part of what we’re doing – it’s important to know that with their support, we can help our homeless friends rebuild their lives.

If you interested in supporting us or finding out more about our corporate partnerships please contact Carol Price, Head of Fundraising and Development [email protected] or tel: 0161 237 3223

Corporate Volunteering

We’re delighted to say that in 2018 over 60 companies took part in our corporate volunteering days, and we’re now hosting groups 2-3 times each week. For many of the employees involved, it completely changes their perception of homelessness. People really connect with us and they often feel motivated to donate items, fundraise for us and even to volunteer at our Drop-in Centre, our RENU upcycling project or joint community allotment project.

Please email Adam Williams on [email protected] if you are interested in getting involved with corporate volunteering. Or, please contact Carol Price, our Head of Fundraising and Development, if your company would like to support us in other ways. Please call her on 0161 2378 3223, or email [email protected].

Corporate Support

Some companies also encourage their staff to hold fundraising events, and many will match-fund their efforts. Companies can also choose to donate food for the breakfast sessions at our Drop-in Centre, or even to hold skilled activity sessions that help to upskill and provide some light relief for our homeless friends. 

Here are just some of the ways that our corporate supporters have helped us:

Havas Lynx
This award-winning Manchester advertising agency have supported us for many years. Not only have they volunteered, fundraised and donated items, but they’ve sponsored some of our events too. They also used their creative skills and expertise to launch a sales website for our RENU upcycling project, including the branding and marketing for it.

Cuckoo Design
Cuckoo Design led a wonderful art session for us, where they encouraged our friends to create banners and artwork to display in our Drop-in Centre. Since then, they have chosen us for a year of support. Staff frequently volunteer and fundraise for us, and they also produced our last Annual Report as a pro bono gift.

J D Williams
The company is supporting us this year through volunteering, fundraising, and giving clothes donations. They generously launched a charity t-shirt on their online sites JD Williams, Simply Be and Jacamo with 100% of the profits going to Barnabus. (link to website)

Squire Patton Boggs
SPB chose Barnabus for a year of support in 2017. During the year, they raised a phenomenal £14,502 through sponsored events, including quizzes, cake bakes and the National Three Peaks Challenge. They also donated practical items such as clothing, toiletries and food, while their staff regularly support us at our Drop-in Centre, RENU furniture enterprise, and offices.

Bowmer & Kirkland

We are so blessed to have the support of leading construction company Bowmer & Kirkland. Our partnership means that we can get homeless people off the streets, fully trained and employed in a steady job. Ultimately, this means that rough sleepers are able to move into a home they can call their own.

Thanks to Bowmer & Kirkland’s thoughtful, supportive and generous approach to employment, we are confident that many others will find hope and a fresh start with them.


Craig’s story

Craig suffered a traumatic family break-up which led him into a period of depression. Unfortunately, his illness caused him to lose his job, and Craig attempted to take his own life. Without a steady income, he was forced to sleep on the streets, hiding it from his friends and family.

After a year out of work and 6 months on the streets, one of Craig’s friends brought him to Barnabus. With a background in groundwork and plastering, we knew that Craig would be a perfect candidate for Bowmer & Kirkland.

Craig has now been working for 6 months. He helps the managers with office work, snagging and health & safety matters. Craig’s can-do attitude and willingness to learn has not gone unrewarded. He has impressed his managers so much, that he is now taking an HND at Salford College to help him progress to a Site Manager position.

Since we were able to help Craig, he has become passionate about helping others himself. He continues to be an inspiration for our homeless friends, proving that with a bit of vision, good mentors and a will to succeed, anything is possible.

Gifts in kind

If you think the company you own or work for could help us out, we also take donations from retailers, manufacturers, agents, distributors and wholesalers. Your surplus products or goods can help bring dignity, comfort and hope.

We can receive your donations at our Barnabus Support Office. Find us at:


61 Bloom Street


M1 3LY

We’re open Monday – Friday, from 10am – 4pm


If you have a large number of items or are unable able to drop off items during these times, please email Adam our Office Manager at [email protected], call us on 0161 237 3223.