If you have the following symptoms the NHS say you must self-isolate:

a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back.

a new, continuous cough – this means you've started coughing repeatedly.


Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

Let staff in your hostel or temporary accommodation know if you are feeling unwell. Staff should make arrangements for you to isolate yourself in your accommodation or help you to find alternative arrangements.

Where possible, stay in a separate area behind a closed door, with an open window for ventilation

• If someone you live with has symptoms you must self-isolate for 14 days

(because it can take time for symptoms to appear)

Do not have visitors to your room – ask people to you leave things at the door

• If you have a shared bathroom/kitchen speak to staff about how best to use these spaces. Could you assign slots to avoid coming into contact with others?

Make sure the bathrooms/kitchen are cleaned after using them, with normal

cleaning products.

Stay in contact with friends and family by phone or through the internet.

• Can someone bring food and drink to you?

• Do you need alcohol or drugs? Can someone bring them to you?

Can your pharmacy or prescriber make arrangements to get medication or script to you?

• Can someone bring you books, music or a newspaper to entertain you?