Please help us make 2021 an amazing year for Barnabus, as we mark our 30th anniversary bringing hope and transformation to rough sleepers and people experiencing homelessness in Manchester. We hope you will love our 2021 calendar as much as we do. It showcases 12 winning photographs from our 'Manchester is Ours' competition when we asked the people of Manchester to send us their images celebrating our diverse City and what Manchester means to them.

Our panel of judges selected 12 stunning photos and Manchester design agency Love. took these and blessed us with their design interpretation to produce this incredible calendar. We are only printing a limited number of calendars and they are available to pre-order now. Love. and corporate supporters blessed us so that 100% of the monies raised from the sale of these calendars will support our transforming work to bring hope to people rough sleeping and experiencing homelessness in Manchester.

We hope you will find these the perfect gift to give this Christmas at only £10 each with every pound supporting our work. We really couldn't do any of this without your support but together we can enable and empower people off the streets into independent living, give them hope for the future and a home.