As we end the 4th week of lockdown and Barnabus’ work as part of Manchester City Council's emergency food response to Corona virus, we think the words of Jazz, one of our Drop in Session Leaders, sums up how we feel best: “ I’m just so proud of what we have done! A month ago we were in the Beacon with no idea what was next. Now we are making 300 meals a day out of our local church. If you had told me 6 months ago that this is what we would be doing now, I would have laughed my head off.

"When this all started, I was asked where I would like to be and I said 'Anywhere but the kitchen'. But I’ve been loving working in the kitchen! I really enjoy the deadlines in the morning, making sure that the hot meals go out fast and get delivered so people don't have to wait longer than they need to to eat.

"We got the chance to go out on the food outreach van yesterday to see our friends who aren’t accommodated yet. I was grateful for the chance to check in with them and see how they’re doing, because I haven’t had the opportunity to do that over the past 3 weeks. Even though it’s not how we usually do it, we are still providing for them. Most of them weren’t aware that Barnabus was producing the food that was delivered on the outreach van from Feed My City, who we are partnering with.

"I’m just so impressed that we’ve come together with community groups, charities and Rev. Ellie to do this work. We all saw the importance of the task and the massive need and we have been able to come together to meet it.”

The Barnabus team would also like to say a heartfelt thank you for the support to our community. Without you, we would not be in the position we are now, able to look back on the past month with pride. We hope you will come with us on the journey, as we continue to support people experiencing homelessness through this crisis and beyond.