We’ve recently been fortunate to help a man into accommodation and to keep his story anonymous we have changed his name to Chris.

Chris had been known by other services in Manchester but they had found him difficult to work with due to his aggression and past convictions. Chris would often act erratically when coming for help and was often unable to remain in a support setting long enough to receive help. With a criminal record and no duty of care from the council; Chris was getting desperate and losing hope that he would ever get the help he needed to get housed.

Chris came to Barnabus over several weeks and we were able to provide a safe place where we could help him keep calm despite his record of erratic behaviour elsewhere. By listening and responding to him about his situation he became well mannered and we were able; with help from the council to secure some housing for him. Chris left Barnabus in a taxi with a fresh set of clothes and some essential supplies ready for his bed and hopefully the beginning of a journey that will see him move away from the streets forever.

At Barnabus one of the key philosophies of our work is to never give up on someone, everyone has the right to a home and to be listened to. Chris’ case is a great example of our support teams’ dedication to always make the Beacon as welcoming and calm a place as possible so that people who have always struggled to receive support can have the best chance at getting the help they need.