We are so happy to share with you that a friend of ours is doing really well at a project where they are off the streets and can get help with their alcoholism. This individual returned to their home town of Manchester this year after a relationship break down, despite serious mental health problems they were able to fight their addiction and stay sober for many months. However sadly they began rough sleeping after being asked to leave their accommodation and began drinking again as a way to cope with the stress.

This is when they came to Barnabus looking for help. One of our case workers Jenna immediately started looking for temporary accommodation for them and what projects would be able to help them with their addiction. Within a very short period of time they were accepted into a project for people with alcoholism but also house them.

Jenna caught up with this person the day after they moved and they said “the move went well, I met the other residents and were reminiscing about places.  I think I’m going to be really happy here and it’s great for my recovery.  I am so grateful to you for helping me during a very dark chapter of my life.  For the first time in a long time I can see a future for myself again.” They also said that they’re excited to pay us a visit in a few months time to show us how well they are doing

We are so happy that we were able to help this person to quickly get off the streets and into a project that will help them to build themselves a new life. The longer someone spends rough sleeping the greater the chances of them suffering from mental health problems and falling into addictions increase. It is so important to act fast to help someone. We are delighted that we were able to help this individual and wish them all the best in their future.