Just last week we had an incredible God Slot session. Due to restricted numbers in the Beacon, we are only able to have a maximum of 5 guests right now. We were able to invite some of our friends during the week and had 3 guests who came along for the session. We were particularly encouraged to see one of our friends, John* who Enyo had met out on outreach that morning in the city centre, come along and join us. He was new to us as a charity and had never previously engaged with the service. So, this was a wonderful opportunity to not only share God’s love and invite John in for some time of reflection, worship and prayer but it was also an opportunity to get to know him better and lay some foundations for him to continue to engage and build trust with Barnabus.

Although John is not a Christian, he was very open and we had some really interesting conversations around faith and God and he, in particular, enjoyed worship. Towards the end of the session, he felt safe and comfortable enough to play some guitar for us and even taught one of our volunteers a few new chords! It was a powerful reminder of how important it is that we continue to go out into the streets to do outreach each week, as it allows us to create opportunities for people who would otherwise not engage with our services, to come in and to encounter God’s love. 

We were able to share the gospel with the group and shared from our own testimonies, reminding them that they are loved, valued and most importantly that they are each a child of God. We dove deeper with each of them into what faith and relationship with Jesus looks like, and they all have said that they will be returning next week! Pray with us that the Lord would continue to move in their hearts and that they would come to know and accept Him as their lord and saviour. One of our friends Amy* has already made a commitment to Christ and is currently interested in getting baptized, so please keep her in your prayers too.

* Names have been changed to protect the privacy of our guests.