This week is #volunteersweek so we are sitting down with some of our volunteers to chat with them about their experiences volunteering with us. We thought it would be good to sit down with our newest volunteer Jess to see how she was settling in. It was only her 3rd day of volunteering with us when we put her on the spot to ask her a few questions.

Why did you decide to volunteer with a charity?

“I wanted to get involved in the community and help out those less fortunate than myself.”

What do you like about volunteering at Barnabus?

“I really like the chance to get to know the guys who come into the Beacon, when I help in the kitchen it is really sociable as I get the chance to chat with all the guys to learn a bit about their stories or just have a chat. The role was much more sociable than I expected which is really nice. “

Do you have a stand out moment from volunteering with us?

“Yesterday towards the end of the morning session one of our friends came in and we let him choose what to put on the TV. He got on YouTube, put some music on and just started dancing away, it was really sweet.”

Making the Beacon a warm welcoming place where our friends can come to relax and forget about the problems in their lives is so important. The only way they will come to speak to an engagement worker or a member of our support team is if they trust Barnabus and feel safe in our buildings.

Whether our volunteers are young or old, new or experienced they help change our friends lives everyday by being their welcoming, friendly and kind selves.

 If you would like to inquire about volunteering with us check out our volunteering page to find out more, or email [email protected]