We first met Phil* back in 2018. He entered our resettlement scheme, where we managed to secure him a flat with his very own tenancy. Through a supporting company, we were even able to arrange a trial shift for a new job – and he had been on their books ever since.

But in 2021, things started to take a turn for the worse. In this blog, we wanted to tell Phil’s story. It highlights why our door will always be open to those we’ve helped before.

Out of work and out of pocket

Phil had sadly developed a long-term injury that had first made work difficult and then impossible. His employer had furloughed him for as long as possible, but when the scheme came to an end, he found himself out of work.

What’s more, Phil had been claiming some Universal Credit (UC) support to supplement his low income and provide a little extra security. However, he didn’t inform the Department for Work and Pensions that he was now without a job or income, meaning he would continue to only receive just over £100 a month.

Without support and without a home

It was at this moment of very high stress that Phil’s phone was stolen. He suspected that his neighbour may have taken it, so not only was he left without a way to contact the people that make up his support network, but he also began to feel uncomfortable in his flat.

At the same time, Phil saw that only £130 of UC had entered his account. This was meant to last him the entire month. Due to a mixture of worry and pride, Phil decided to abandon his property rather than reach out for financial support.

Familiar faces and quick action

Phil spent the next eight days living on the streets of Manchester. He then walked through our doors once more to contact his doctors and have a shower – exactly as he had done just over three years ago.

He was, of course, quickly recognised. We arranged for Phil to sit down with one of our resettlement team, who was able to put his mind at rest and put a plan in place. They also sorted out his UC claim. That very same day, over £800 was paid into his account for the current and previous months’ UC payments. Finally, Phil was able to keep up with his rent and return to his home.

Helping people get back on track for over 30 years

Even when our friends are resettled and succeeding in their independent lives, the trauma of homelessness and rough sleeping can endure. Once in a while, we can all slip back – we just need a little helping hand to find the way forward again.

That’s why we’re always there for our friends, whenever they come to us. If you would like to support our work, or help others make their next step by providing a home or tenancy, please get in touch. You can reach us at [email protected].

*Name has been changed to protect our friend’s identity