New Home – New Future Barnabus already helps people who are rough sleeping move off the streets into short term emergency accommodation. We also currently support 31 people with lived experience of homelessness in private rented accommodation through our resettlement tenancy scheme having an 85% success rate. Why do we need our New Home – New Future project? We are seeing a perfect storm with homelessness and housing. Spiralling rent costs, a critical shortage of housing and a lack of appropriate housing to suit the complex needs and recovery of people who are homeless. All this at a time when we are experiencing an economic crisis with soaring cost of living and inflation. We expect to see more demand for all forms of accommodation due to these and fear that we will see even fewer accommodation options for those with the highest level of needs. What will our ‘New Home – New Future’ project do? Through the support of the charity Green Pastures, Barnabus is now in the exciting position where we will be purchasing a property which will house 6 people experiencing homelessness. Providing them with a home where they will have round the clock support. Through this property we will provide appropriate, affordable, safe and suitable homes for people who need more intensive support to learn how to thrive in a home. Our support workers know the value of long-term, person-centred support to improve emotional, mental and physical health and wellbeing; this will be available on site and out of hours. The New Home – New Future project will fund a full time support worker and also pay to furnish the building, including 6 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room. Your donations will make this possible. Our support will include sessions; to improve good financial management, increased confidence and resilience and to build skills and agency into making the house into their home. We will also help with connections to volunteering, courses, training and employment opportunities. We will also work with other services and organisations to provide specialist addiction, trauma, counselling and mental health support. Our mentoring support will also promote being active and part of the local community, engaging with social and recreational activities. All of this will encourage a sense of belonging and purpose to combat isolation. It will also aid the ability to cope with life without resorting to past addictions or harmful relationships as coping mechanisms. Empowering people to thrive, enjoy and succeed at independent living. Please pledge as much as you can to support our New Home – New Future project; together we can end the cycle of homelessness, thank you Manage Cookie Preferences