On the 18th of December we held our Christmas party at Methodist Central Hall on Oldham Street. It's definitely our favourite event of the year where over 70 of our friends, volunteers and staff all come to together for a Christmas dinner, carols, music, presents and friendship. It's an amazing opportunity to bless our friends with some Christmas joy at what can be a very tough and lonely time of year for those without a home to call their own, without a family to spend Christmas with and even a roof over their head on Christmas morning.

It is however not just people who we currently help who are welcome; we also see some old faces who were housed by Barnabus in years gone by and come back to say hello and be an inspiration to others.

The Christmas party is so special as it's a great meeting of all of the different aspects of Barnabus. The delicious food is prepared by the excellent Back on Track who offer employment pathways to some of our friends and corporate volunteers from Ecclesiastical Insurance and BNY Mellon came to serve up, both of whom are long term supporters of our work.

If you would like to support our work with those experiencing homelessness in Manchester, please look on our website to find out how; you can volunteer with us as an individual or as part of a corporate day, you can donate funds or practical donations or you can fundraise for Barnabus by joining one of our events or organising one of your own.