Aimee is our resettlement worker, her role is to understand our friends’ backgrounds, their situation and how they can progress. She speaks to landlords and, if they have availability, arranges for friends who are ready to make the move into their own property. She takes bedding, kettles, crockery and other items donated to Barnabus, so they can really feel at home. In the last 6 months she has housed 14 people and continues to support them into independent living. She is also currently working with another 6 people to identify the right opportunities for them.

Aimee continues to make sure they’re settling in, helping them sign up with housing benefits and discussing their next steps. They might need counselling, connections to a skill centre, a chance to join one of our projects, re-work their CV or attend community groups. She also helps supports them with probation, making family connections, meeting Social Services, getting medical attention and managing their budgeting.

Aimee says, “I love my job and I am immensely proud of what our friends are achieving.” Many are now employed or studying, attending our RENU project, seeing councillors and/or rebuilding family relationships. This is one man’s story: When ‘S’s boss moved abroad, he lost his job, house and possessions, forcing him to sleep on the streets. This was especially difficult for him as a diabetes sufferer without access to medication. S used to sleep in a makeshift shelter; one night he was attacked - kicked and beaten, his rucksack, passport and birth certificate were all stolen. When ‘S’ started coming to our drop-in centre the cold was severly impacting his health. Thankfully we were able to refer him into emergency accommodation.

We then referred S to our RENU upcycling furniture course and connected him to medical support. Aimee could see that he
would make a good condidate for having his own tenancy and discovered he was eager to return to work. S has now settled well into his flat and made it his home. Aimee also introduced S to a removal company that has supported Barnabus for many years; we are so thankful that they were happy to take S on and he is now part of the team and thriving in his role. We continue to support ‘S’, but he’s settled in well and is so grateful that his life has turned around.

Perhaps you are a landlord or would like to donate items to support us, we would love to hear from you. Please email [email protected]