We want you to help us make 2021 an amazing year for Barnabus, as we mark our 30th anniversary bringing hope and transformation to rough sleepers and people experiencing homelessness in Manchester. To celebrate this we are producing a 2021 calendar that will showcase photographs taken by our city’s vibrant communities, including members of its homeless population and we want your photos to go in that calendar.

We're encouraging people of all ages and abilities to enter their images. We want you to send in an image taken in Manchester, along with a few words that sum up what ‘Manchester is Ours’ means to you. Alongside the award-winning Manchester design agency LOVE., we will create the calendar which will be on sale to raise life changing funds for people experiencing homelessness.

The competition is free to enter and the 12 winning images that appear in our calendar will be selected by a judging panel that includes; The Bishop of Manchester, International Triple Jumper Naomi Ogbeta, Simon Bray an acclaimed Manchester Photographer and a Senior Creative at LOVE, who will help to produce the calendar for 2021. 

Manchester Is Ours

We are looking forward to seeing images from the community that celebrate Manchester’s diversity and explore every facet of the city.

We want you to show us your Manchester, that’s why we’re calling the calendar Manchester Is Ours. So you can send in a photo of a place, or a person, or an occasion – anything that shows a personal connection with our fantastic city.

A place where creativity runs deep, Manchester has a unique story to tell. It’s a special way to mark our 30th year and we can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.

We’re thankful to LOVE. and our corporate sponsors for gifting their support to create a unique calendar celebrating Manchester.

The calendar will be available to purchase now and to buy from mid November at selected locations across Manchester for £10. All proceeds will support Barnabus in its ongoing mission to help rough sleepers and people experiencing homelessness to build new lives, away from the streets in homes of their own.

For full details of the competition and how to enter click on this link