You may have noticed a little box on our website as you read this.

This is a new web reader to help improve accessibility to people with dyslexia, learning or reading difficulties, visual impairments or or for people whose preference is audio over text.

The web reader will read out any text you highlight on our website.

At Barnabus we’ve found the people we support often struggle with dyslexia or learning difficulties. Many of whom have been undiagnosed for many years this has created barriers and exclusion to life changing support.

This is an exciting addition to the Barnabus website and we hope it will really help improve our visitors experience.

How to Use the Website Reader

Click on the speech bubble on the bottom left

The control panel will appear, green play button, red stop button and a settings wheel

Click on the settings wheel

You can now select the Language, volume, speed and pitch of the reader.

Then simply highlight any of the text you would like to hear and press the green play button on the control panel.

You can press the red button to stop at any time

If you would like to keep the reader function every time you visit our page leave the box open

If you would like to exit the reader function click on the x on the far right of the control panel

You can always select the speech bubble at any time in the future to start again.