Volunteers Week

It's #VolunteersWeek we would like to say a huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers. Their commitment and compassion to help people experiencing homelessness is humbling. It's only with their help that together we are able to help people start new lives off the streets. Read more

Calling for change

We are in the midst of a homelessness crisis with the numbers of people without a home increasing year on year. As the country prepares for the coming general election Barnabus is asking all UK parties to put housing and the end of homelessness as key issues in their manifestos and their plans for the new government. Read more

4 Years on and what have we learned?

A lot has been written about what we learned about ourselves, our society and our governance over the past 4 years. Technically we are now at the end of the Coronavirus 19 pandemic after 4 years and for homelessness organisations, it feels like we have found ourselves back where we started but somehow in an even worse position than March 2020. Read more

What would make someone choose to sleep on the floor next to their bed rather than in it?

What would make someone choose to sleep on the floor next to their bed rather than in it? Some of the people we support struggle so deeply with trauma that even when they have a home they find themselves struggling or completely unable to sleep in the bed, instead they choose to sleep on the floor, on their sofas or sometimes even spending nights back on the streets. Read more

Joining forces to protect people from life threatening illnesses

Imagine spending night after night in a cold damp doorway, with only a sleeping bag between you and the cold floor. The negative impact this has on your health is massive affecting every part of your body, but most of all repeated cold damp nights affect the respiratory and immune systems. Imagine facing another cold night on the streets but you are now coming down with the flu or a chest infection. Read more

Leaving a chaotic life behind

He was lost, without a home town, a support network or structure to his life unable to recognise or begin to address his mental health issues, Daniel was living a chaotic and transient life drifting between cities. Read more

Trapped In Poverty and Homelessness

Imagine you are trapped in poverty and homelessness, unable to find a home you can afford on universal credit, unable to find a job with no fixed address. You become trapped in temporary accommodation searching and hoping for an understanding employer or landlord to accept you. Unable to improve your situation no matter what you tried. This was the situation facing Sarah. Read more

Rising costs put peoples health at risk

The rise in the cost of living has been felt by nearly everyone in Britain but for people already struggling and on the verge of homelessness it can leave them to make nearly impossible decisions. Our resettlement team are now doing more prevention work with people at risk of homelessness who are struggling to afford the basics and keep a roof over their head. Read more